When you're typign on yuor phone but your fat figners are too big for the tiny-as-fcuk kyes and yuo misspell evrey secodn word
A: hye mate, whta's up?
B: lol what?
A; sorry, fuckign phone fingers
by PÜNGLICH April 12, 2014
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When someone gets a new phone and their texts are indecipherable for a week due to their inexperience with the keyboard.
Jack: Whay sre u doinh tonuggt?

Jill: New Phone Fingers, Jack?
by Adzuki September 11, 2012
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The phone that you make with your pinky and thumb fingers.
Jamal was annoyed at us so he said he was calling his mom but we all knew he was using his finger phone.
by Licensed_Nerd July 15, 2019
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