Jan 6 was an insurrection done by a mob of peson
by DeezNutz1984 July 26, 2022
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(Noun) a theoretical resource or object that Joe Biden has saved each American $35 on.

(Origin) Delaware
“Although President Biden saved me $35 on my peson, I still could not afford my groceries this week.”
by ElPesõn July 25, 2022
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A portmanteau of peasant and peon. Used by the elite class to refer to an especially low class of person.
"At current prices, the average driver will spend $35 less per month for one peson" - President Joe Biden
by lisaavenatti July 26, 2022
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Someone half way between person & peasant. Therefore often requires talking down to or simplifying things down for because they cannot afford an education.
at current prices a peson will spend $35 less per month on gas
by luxpistol July 26, 2022
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