A truly awful disease in which the suffer is under the sad delusional belief that Steve Perry will actually release another album.

There is currently no known treatment. Sufferers cannot comprehend the truth, preferring to hold on to the delusion at all costs in spite of the insurmountable evidence. These sad people need our sympathy, and a hug.
I believe silly rumors that Steve Perry is recording again. I have perryism. Please hug me!
by Mister Nemo August 30, 2013
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A religion in which you praise Sir Perry, his epic teachings of Algebra, and his almighty greatness.
Sir Perry taught his disciples how to use Algebra, and how to convert others to Perryism.
by Za_Gamer January 31, 2019
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n. Informal
A distinctive doctrine, system, theory or sayings by the one and only Perry:

"You will have that in Big Time Auto Racing"
"Latar Man"
"To tell you the truth"
"Hello, this is Perry, you know I called you yesterday"
"So your telling me im glad to be on the edge"
Squid got so pissed he said a whole sting of Perryism's:
"Hello, this is Perry, you know Perry.. I just talked to you yesterady about the gears.. Nice, well some times you will have that in big time auto racing.. Well gotta run, Latar Man."

by Bill Swiderski September 19, 2006
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