Website comprised of photos taken at actual Walmart stores that show real people who look like they have no idea or just don't care how to present themselves in public. Anything considered socially inappropriate or disgusting from wearing pajamas and slippers to skimpy clothing on fat people to exposed butt cracks to men wearing dresses, you name can be found here. People can submit photos and new ones appear on a daily basis.
by boratfan1 December 31, 2011
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The act of qualifying and being photographed for whilst actually in a WalMart.
I just People-of-WalMarted that dude with the pink hot pants.

That dress she has on should be People-of-Walmarted.

OMG, I was taking a pic in WalMart of some dude and my belly was sticking out of my t-shirt and I almost People-of-Walmarted MYSELF!
by hersheymike January 23, 2010
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Your local Meijer department store. No bus route stops, and is located near the upscale suburbs. Poor minorities are just a thing of the past when you shop at Meijer.
Door dings are a thing of the past now that we shop at Meijer. Aka white people Walmart.
by All hail Caesar May 24, 2023
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