A person to which one goes to in order to ensure a healthy and prosperous pair of nostrils. At the nostrologist, one can get a nostrilectomy, a nostril cleaning, or nostril pastic surge, to rid oneself of unsightly hairs and nostril blemishes.
Ken Zhao needs to go the the nostrologist.

The nostrologist is good fun for the whole family!
by dr. C. Nostril Nostronomous October 2, 2007
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A place where one goes to get their nostrils checked out by a professional in order to prevent serious medical diseases including cancer of the nostril, inflamation of the nostril hair follicles, and occasionally, to get the nostril hairs trimmed.
O hurray, today i must go to the nostrologist go get a nostrilectomy. That way i can fight people-killing diseases like nostrilitus.
by a concerned citizen ii March 3, 2007
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