Acting like something old (a movie, piece of music, tv show, videogame .etc) ceased to exist and can't be accessed anymore. Most commonly seen in comment sections of old videogames on Youtube.
I "USED" to love this game
This game "WAS" good
I miss this game
Examples of nostalgiafagging
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Someone who devotes their entire personality to "retro" and "80s - 90s" content. This can include music like vaporwave and shitty wannabe japanese 90s Tokyo drift bullshit with the lined background with compressed images. The only actual song from 80s era they could mention would probably be Africa by Toto. They will also show their nostalgifaggyness by wearing shirts with retrowave bullshit or by making it a wallpaper on their iphone200XLR.
"Hey my fellow hip-hoppy bro dude hear that tight vinyl resanance by my fellow broheims at HOME?"
"No you fucking NOSTALGIAFAG"
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