A rare disease that affects some men. Noriretardation can cause a sexual attraction towards minors and just overall creepiness. On July 26th of 2018 Andy Howell discovered this disease after his boyfriend had showed some unerving symptoms. Some symptoms of Noriretardation can be small penis, creepiness, an unusual sexual attraction towards minors/siblings and obesity which is found in 50% of patients. Other diseases that have been linked to Noriretardation are Autism, Pedophilia, and Fuckboism. The NNA (Noriretardation National Association) has been curing patients all over the world. If you think that you or a loved one might have Noriretardation you can call the NAH (Noriretardation Association Hotline) at +1 (666)-666-6666. Don't let Noriretardation go unseen. Call today.
"Yo I think my bf might have noriretardation"
"Call the NAH and get him cured"
by tiny the loser July 26, 2018
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