Physical Ecstasy combined with Intellectual Stimulation during sex.
Man to woman... "I want to one day dazzle you with my vocabulary while fucking you senseless and have you have a mental and physical orgasm at the same damn time!" Woman... "OOOHHHH, that sounds like Nerd Nirvana! I'm in!"
by Wonderwomaaaaaan! April 30, 2015
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A common peronality complex seen in varying degrees in most humans where the subject is compelled to drink, take drugs or do whatever it takes to "get out of their skull", feeling a momentary release or "higher state of conciousness". From children spinning round to get dizzy, to vomiting chavs and mushroom-munching hippies, we all love to laugh and stagger.
Kurt Cobain displayed signs of suffering from the Nirvana Complex, ironically.
by MadStick June 23, 2005
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A state of taste in which you can use as much chilli as you wish, taste the spice of it but it doesn't overpower other flavours so you can still taste them through the spice
I'm in chilli nirvana, I can add all the chilli sauce I want
by Lilboblyn September 30, 2013
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She is one of the most beautiful girls you’ll ever meet.she can be wired but she is still cut when she is.
by Unknown8371 April 14, 2018
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the event that occurs when one is able to clear the entire tetris board after at least the 7th level.
Dude, I just achieved Tetris Nirvana and level 15!
by comickidt October 16, 2010
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It is a state achieved after not nutting or jacking off for a long period of time. You ascend the mortal plane, god himself will worship you, you become the universe and the answer to life.
by _Lithium_ November 3, 2019
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When you look at your body and there is nothing about your body that you would change.
I've lost 30 pounds. Now I'm 150 pounds at 5'5". I may not look like a Victoria's Secret model but my body is perfect just the way it is. My goal has been achieved: body nirvana.
by kimmickalnv November 23, 2013
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