other way to call the oldest city of the Netherlands
Hey man, you got some tree from Nimma? It is way much cheaper and better than the tree from Amsterdam!
by sirsmokalot December 26, 2011
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in a high pitched twangy voice say "nimma-nimma-neer nimma-noo". get it? it's how we make fun of our west virginian dad:)
by ricky and stacey November 19, 2007
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Filler that you add to a song when you don't know the words.
Oh say can you see !!
By the dawns early light !!
What so shimma nimma ho !!
and the tight wire's last streaming !!

"I believe I can fly....!!
I believe shimma nimma ho ...!!
Shimma nimm I can Fly !!!"

by Poster Nutbag May 23, 2003
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