kinda literal hell in some ways. it’s tiny af. when the heat turns on for the winter, it smells like something blew up. teachers are nice. classes are boring (most of the time) everyone bikes to school. they tried to make an acronym out of lakers but it’s stupid. just let us be lakers. you don’t need to make it stand for something!
woah look it’s neeta school!
damn that’s tiny
by chickie nugs October 20, 2019
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clearly neeta school is the biggest joke on the east coast. 75% of the kids that come out of the school result in being the biggest stoners in south jersey. of the graduating population of a usual 60, 10 take there lives seriously.
"Look that kids smoking pot," "Oh he must be from lakes"
by a;lfsk March 19, 2005
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Neeta School is a middle school randomly placed in the middle of the woods. It's a poor excuse for a school. Every little child rides their bike to school due to the fact that Medford Lakes is about 1 mile wide and random trails lead to random places. When we finally move on to Shawnee High School, we are labeled as "Stoners", this is because about 98% of the kids that come out of that school alive tend to spend the rest of their lives smoking pot. The kids have nothing better to do so they ride their bikes every where and when they aren't smoking pot they are ordering bread sticks and pizza for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day. We like to pretend that we can afford to fix things, so when wholes form in the brand new gym floor, we put tape over it.. when water fountains get ripped out of the wall, we actually don't fix it at all, we just leave a giant whole in the wall. Our teachers have random affairs and harass the kids as much as they can. So thank you Neeta School.
an example of the outcome of this school would be the shady kids lighting their pieces in the nearest woods and sporting their hemp that they weaved themselves.
by - March 16, 2005
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