
a woozle that hides in the basement, eating pies and what not.

can also be found molding between seats. (referred to as moldy neegars)
that neegar ate my pie
by beans November 6, 2004
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It's what the Pokemon Gengar evolves into, seeing that Gengar is already dark as it is.

also relatively fun to say, hopefully with no offense to anyone
That Gengar has evolved into a Neegar!
by PokemasterChefBoyardee December 5, 2011
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The word southern southerners say when talking bout niggas
Hillbilly 1: howdey clEAdus!
Hillbilly 2: yessum mikar?
Hillbilly 1: ya see thet NEEGAR o’ der?
Hillbilly 2: let’s liiiiiiinch det NEEGAR!!!!
Nigga: NIGGA WHAT!?!?!!?!?
by Tyrone Muhammad Johnson January 23, 2020
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A hot chick with a fine body. Who resist to her self as a princess but after all it’s true. She’s a great friend.
That Neegar is awesome
by Mike-lea November 10, 2018
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Neegar a girl with a fine body. Normally resists to her booty. She’s calls her self a princess which mostly true. She gets jealous easily
That Neegar is awesome
by Mike-lea November 10, 2018
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