used when when u dont have anything to say on a trial
kate: hey babe why'd u poop on the bed?
by peirtu May 10, 2022
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“my dog stepped on a bee”
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“we’ve been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty
“here’s the mufukn tea
by aqxa on the yt June 15, 2022
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Used to mock someone when they're playing the victim.
Annie: "Jesus christ jake! Stop with that shit"
Jake: "It's not my fault, you're stressing me out"
Depp: "jesus christ, 'my dog stepped on a bee', shut the fuck up"
by ItsKelpy June 21, 2022
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More like Amber Heard stepped on the bee, but she framed the bloody dog!
Amber Heard: My dog stepped on a bee *screws up her face*

Me: You fucking stepped on the bee you crazy bitch, you just framed the bloody dog!
by Eddie the Head September 6, 2022
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