The magical, pixie-dust like substance that allows one Lid to finagle his way through life.

A mild mind-control aromatic, that when exposed to, while not lethal, may lead to periods of suggestibility. The Soviets attempted to duplicate the secret recipe for years during the Cold War, but were unable to understand the ingredients when told by the McMillin clan.

Side effects include working weekends and holidays, coming in to work 4 hours early so “someone” can catch the LIRR back to the trailer pArk. Long term exposure can lead to word salad, inability to speak coherently, and an insatiable thirst for Mountain dew.
“Dude, I came in at 6am and let Mumbles go home. Now, I’m working for him 4th of July, and then i gotta change a tire for him on his trailer”
“Bro, you got Mumbledusted”
by mumbleduster August 7, 2019
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