Escort or prostitute slang for multiple orgasms allowed, "Man she was great she let me have mpops"
by thegunn76 August 23, 2006
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Mando-pop (Chinese pop music in Mandarin Chinese)
Friend: What genre is Jam Hsiao under?
Me: Mpop because he sings in Mandarin Chinese.
by AcePunkBeaver June 1, 2018
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Mpop is a phrase describing a goldfish on a car, commonly used in the Rocket League community, and the goldfishes' name is Bob, named by none other than Mason. This is a form of greetings when joining a Rocket League party.
(player 1): Hi.
(player 2): Mpop.
(player 1): Mpop.
by Eeepin December 30, 2022
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