Do you have symptoms of no energy? Do you think your mitochondria - your body’s mini power plants - became sick, quit working and went on an extended vacation? Is so, you may be experiencing mitopause.

Has your body been incapable of work for 6 months or more? Were you previously a healthy, normal person who overnight could no longer get out of bed? Do you feel you have an energy level of zero or less? Does doctor Google say you have CFS/ME while your primary care doc says to you, “Your bloodwork shows nothing wrong. The good news is, this condition is not fatal. The bad news is, this condition is not fatal.” Is NIH funding for your life altering illness less than the money earmarked to study male pattern baldness?
Guess what? You have entered mitopause.
I’m a Spoonie with CFS/ME - self diagnosed with mitopause - and need a mito cocktail!
by DrSpoonie April 20, 2019
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