Synonymous to Mind=Blown

Something incredibly amazing, mind-boggling, or stupid happens, and you're shocked senseless.
Person 1: Is it good if a vacuum cleaner sucks?

Person 2: Wow... I never thought of that! * Mind Blown *
by aerdnANicole January 2, 2012
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sarcastic tone of voice when someone is saying something obvious
mum: books are made out of paper
child: MIND BLOWN!
by watermellon10 March 17, 2020
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When someone is so astounded, they can't even form a comprehensive sentence. First used by Chuggaaconroy, a famous Youtuber in one of his Pokemon Crystal episodes, it quickly reached meme status.
Friend one: I just caught a rare pokemon that you don't have
Friend two: Mind = blown
by The Altruistic Anomaly July 9, 2011
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The act of hearing, seeing, feeling, smelling and tasting something so amazing, your mind will be blown away. Primarily shown as images to show the greatness of mind=blown.

Used mostly in internet message boards and chats when an individual shares an post/message of something deemed as mind blowing. Can also be used as a term for sarcasm when posting/chating to make an individual the butt of a joke.
examples of mind= blown include:

- chuck norris,

- most interesting man in the world

- pi 3.14 41.3 mind=blown
by Dzlulz December 28, 2011
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The physiological response that gives rise to that feeling when you experience for the first time a new perspective.
"Hey man, did you know that Sumerians from ancient Mesopotamia defined zero as a placeholder to indicate the absence of a digit, for example as in "102"?

It was only the Babylonians who developed the concept that zero is a number itself that represents a quantity of nothingness, as opposed to a placeholder meant to indicate absence of a digit"

***think about it; once you get it, mind blown***
by I0V3 July 8, 2018
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sarcastic tone of voice when someone is saying something obvious
mum: books are made out of paper
child: MIND BLOWN!
by watermellon10 March 17, 2020
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