Min-max is a gaming term used to describe the process of minimizing your weaknesses and maximizing your strengths. It is generally used in conjunction with the process of building a character within a game system, such as dungeons and dragons, pathfinder, or fallout 3.
by Pun-pun November 4, 2015
A strategy in gaming where a player seeks to optimize one objective while intentionally neglecting another.
"Solution of Multi-objective Min-Max and Max-Min Games by Evolution"
Gideon Avigad, Erella Eisenstadt & Valery Y. Glizer
Conference paper, Part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNTCS,volume 7811)
(search "avigad solution multi-objective min-max games evolution")
"Solution of Multi-objective Min-Max and Max-Min Games by Evolution"
Gideon Avigad, Erella Eisenstadt & Valery Y. Glizer
Conference paper, Part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNTCS,volume 7811)
(search "avigad solution multi-objective min-max games evolution")
In order to win this game I have to min-max getting to the treasure while simultaneously avoiding my pursuer.
by cj.urbandic_ June 5, 2023
Usually used in the context of roleplaying games, to min/max refers to the act of designing a character in such a way that one minimizes its weaknesses and maximizes its strengths.
Usually used in the context of roleplaying games, to min/max refers to the act of designing a character in such a way that one minimizes its weaknesses and maximizes its strengths.
Now that I know more about how the game works, I'm going to min/max my next character so that it's more effective.
by eudas July 11, 2005
by Rectummasher November 7, 2020
in gaming - the skill of learning how to or carrying out, using perfect or nearly perfect information, to fully optimize a game's potential
- 'min-maxed' for past tense
- 'min-maxed' for past tense
by grEy. August 1, 2024