I. (A Girl's name) A girl that's full of life. The name or word, is derived from Native Americans, literally meaning flowing river. Nothing gets her down, she's always so positive and happy. Merrimac is beautiful beyond words and will always be there making you laugh, or will just always be there. She's confident, strong and independent.
II. A confederate vessel made to stop a blockade with the North in the civil war. (Monitor and the Merrimac)

III. A river in New Hampshire and Massachusetts, flowing 110 miles to the Atlantic. (This River has a K at the end, unlike the term here)
Merrimac made me laugh so hard today!
by gingerperks September 4, 2015
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The town where the only sketchy thing that ever happens is 10 year olds sitting on the sidewalk trying to speak ghetto.
You have officially entered a place where nothing happens (except some old lady attempting to smother her husband with a pillow. she failed.), welcome.
"My town is so quiet and lame,"
"At least you don't live in Merrimac, MA..."
by Captain Awesome rules! March 25, 2009
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The illest street in University Heights in Buffalo, NY. Known for late night fireworks, epic chalk drawings, and crowded porches. Inhabitants of this street are mostly Indian grad students, earning the area the nicknames "little india" and "curry street." The greatest houses on this street are obviously 18 and 11, who have frequent visits from the police in all forms, including bicycle cops. Anyone who lives in these houses are champion drinkers.
Freshman 1: YO where's the best party at tonight ?
Freshman 2: You serious bro ? What kind of question is that ? It's obviously goin down hard on Merrimac St.
by FITSbabyyy September 16, 2010
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