(meme + consent) the consent given to meme someone
"No, Karen, you dont have my memesent."
by byanymemesnecessary April 5, 2017
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A Memesation is when something from internet culture has been used so many times it has became a meme that is used so many times. It has to be trendy which means everybody uses it, and everyone knows it.
Hey you know that meme called, "We are Number One"? That is such a Memesation.
by Memeylicious June 1, 2017
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A piece of music created by a person which has been used various times by your memey youtubers

You know the examples
by Aldranster50 October 13, 2019
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The language of memes (play on the language Japanese)
Concerned parent: "What language is that voice in?"
Kid: "Memese"
by BruSal_Sprout July 12, 2018
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Yeth memeser is an incredible person, he is the definition of an alpha male and has a lot of money. He is mostly known for being a cool person and is seen the most bein cooooool dang. He is also very rich and has 68 copies of minecraft bedrock edition. He lives in a giant apartment where he makes epic fortnite videos for tiktube, the best video sharing site known to maaaaaaan!
by Yeth68419 March 23, 2021
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