3 definitions by Yeth68419

Poop crackers are crackers that have the unfortunate demise of being covered in poop.
"poop crackers"

-Albert Einstein
by Yeth68419 May 2, 2021
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Greasy Gravy is gravy that is not greasy.
Hey mom?
Can we have Greasy gravy?
"Where poor Johnathan"
by Yeth68419 March 24, 2021
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Yeth memeser is an incredible person, he is the definition of an alpha male and has a lot of money. He is mostly known for being a cool person and is seen the most bein cooooool dang. He is also very rich and has 68 copies of minecraft bedrock edition. He lives in a giant apartment where he makes epic fortnite videos for tiktube, the best video sharing site known to maaaaaaan!
by Yeth68419 March 23, 2021
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