Masturbate Virginity, the first time you tug on the ol' pecker.
Hey, Elise,'ll never guess what. I lost my masturinity last night.
by ClickHereToDie June 24, 2015
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A derivative of the Gaelic word "rochardcochpee" it directly translates into urine of the mast. It is when you urinate with a rock hard erection, often while simultaneously ejaculating. It is something that only a select few can master, and when done inside of a women is considered a huge compliment. Most will deny wanting such an act out of fear of embarrassing their partner due to the level of difficulty involved, but every single female desires this.
"Hey man did you hook up with that girl last night?"
"Not only did I hook up with her, I filled her with masturine"
by RoderC January 16, 2019
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