Durning sex, the male would put festive music in the background while holding an accordion and the female playing a guitar.Durning mid-climax, right about when the male is about to ejacuate, a mariachi band will pop out to play some mexican music to celebrate the ejacuation of the male to the female.
Person 1:Dude have you tried Ludicolo style yet on yo girl?

Person 2:Dude I did, but right about I was going to ejaucate a mariachi band pop out and start playing mexican music all of a sudden.

Person 1:Dude have you done it right, with the accordion and a guitar?

Person 2:Sure but without festive music.

Person1 & 2:DAMN!!!!!
by Master's master February 13, 2014
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Durning sex, the male would put festive music in the background while holding an accordion and the female playing a guitar.Durning mid-climax, right about when the male is about to ejacuate, a mariachi band will pop out to play some mexican to celebrate the ejacuation of the male to the female.
Person 1:Dude have you tried Ludicolo style yet on yo girl?

Person 2:Dude I did, but right about I was going to ejaucate a mariachi band pop out and start playing mexican music all of a sudden.

Person 1:Dude have you done it right, with the accordion and a guitar?

Person 2:Sure but without festive music.

Person1 & 2:DAMN!!!!!
by Master's master February 12, 2014
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The mexican god of pokemon know for his flexible sex life
Pray to the ludicolo above
by Chatotter May 17, 2018
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