KOL www.kingdomofloathing.com
An online RPG with an adventure of a life time for not the faint of heart. Gain a fortune and lose it an hour later. Travel to distant islands, delve the depths of unknown dungeons in search of glories and treasure, and climb the highest mountains to battle fierce beasts. Drink till you drop and eat till you explode!
An online RPG with an adventure of a life time for not the faint of heart. Gain a fortune and lose it an hour later. Travel to distant islands, delve the depths of unknown dungeons in search of glories and treasure, and climb the highest mountains to battle fierce beasts. Drink till you drop and eat till you explode!
A big red ninja with horns stands before you.
"I am the Demoninja," he says. "Allow me to demonstrate the myriad ways in which I can whoop your ass."
"I am the Demoninja," he says. "Allow me to demonstrate the myriad ways in which I can whoop your ass."
by Levis501 January 14, 2005
Kingdom of Loathing (aka KOL) is an excellent online rpg made by the most excellent and creative Jick. You can choose to be an accordian theif, seal clubber, turtle tamer, diso bandit, saucerer or pastamacer.
by Smite_O_Rama September 21, 2004
1.A game known as KoL, with three basic stats, muscle, mystcality and moxie. There are two classes for each, and with good reason. To give and example, the pastamancers and saucerors BOTH have mystcality as their main stat, but a pastamancers secondary stat is muscle, and a saucerors secondary stat is moxie.
2.A kick-@** game that has sucky chatrooms unless you *spoiler alert, spoiler alert, woop, woop* own a store, then you can go to the (not sucky) great channel of foodcourt.
2.A kick-@** game that has sucky chatrooms unless you *spoiler alert, spoiler alert, woop, woop* own a store, then you can go to the (not sucky) great channel of foodcourt.
by Butterfly_Fox...Not! October 16, 2006
One of the greatest online games ever. Created by Jick, it consumes the lives of the people that play it.
by The Apethetic Lizardman March 9, 2005
To Fear and Loath
Going out for a massive night containing random adventures, multiple locations and fuelled by plenty of body and substance abuse.
Reference to Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Going out for a massive night containing random adventures, multiple locations and fuelled by plenty of body and substance abuse.
Reference to Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
I’m going out to fear and loath tonight.
The guys were fear and loathing last night.
Fear and loathing finally caught up to me.
The fearandloathers site touched me the way fear and loathing would.
The guys were fear and loathing last night.
Fear and loathing finally caught up to me.
The fearandloathers site touched me the way fear and loathing would.
by Easy-E. August 31, 2006
The best game EVER! If you would rather play something dumb like Runescape instead of this you are stupid!
Kingdom of Loathing is the creation of Jick. You can use pasta to kill things (including pasta)! You can do awexsome quests (I mean, where else can you kill drunken rats?). So what are doing here reading this meaningless definition? Go to www.kingdomofloathing.com!
Kingdom of Loathing is the creation of Jick. You can use pasta to kill things (including pasta)! You can do awexsome quests (I mean, where else can you kill drunken rats?). So what are doing here reading this meaningless definition? Go to www.kingdomofloathing.com!
Kingdom of Loathing rules! If you are aware of this game and don't play it, you can just go in the corner and get burninated!
by nafajo March 14, 2005
The Kingdom of Loathing is a turn-based RPG game made by Zack 'Jick' Johnson. There are 6 classes, including the stealthy Accordian Thieves, and the mystical Pastamancers.
It uses meat for currency.
It uses meat for currency.
My moxie is soooo high on the Kingdom of Loathing. It's, like, 1175, man. Lol, I'm superior to you. N00b. I wouldn't even give you some meat if you asked.
by Zonktil December 9, 2004