1. Mammal; related to camels. Rather cute animals, in this writer's opinion.

2. Over-used word used by quote unquote "sugar high" girls writing fanfiction used because it's "random" and "funny", when in fact it is merely over-used, jejune, and repetitive.
1. We rode on llamas today.

by Spiky Kitsune October 18, 2006
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Dont fight with him he got his llama on him.
by HAC600otf December 7, 2014
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The most amazing animal of all time. They are god creatures sent from above. If you see one. Bow down the them. They will rule the world one day!!!!
Llamas are such an amazing animal. Don’t disrespect them!
by Yourmom2003 January 18, 2019
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Llama is currently used as a synonym for ANY weapon, but especially guns. reason is simple - A llama is an animal famous for spitting at people who get in their face (Like a gun "spitting" hollow tips when it fires). A pack of llamas can totally "wet" you (Popular slang for getting oneself "clapped at" = shot to death) if you come annoying to them, you will get sprayed, as they find most everyone annoying. Only gangstas use llamas, popo's, fed's, white people's, and any weapon that ain't gangsta is not referred to as a llama.
"We're born for trauma - Me and my llama" - 50 Cent.

"Nigger respect me like your fatha when come the drama,
I'll put the llama to your mama and beat her like a pinata" - Tony Yayo.
by srpntnova March 1, 2010
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a firecrotch who chews their gum with unneccessary movement similar to the way a llama would chew. This person hates the world and wheres ugly yellow pants and polka dot shirt.
Aaron angerly stomped away to the counselor's office from Mr. Arrants' Alg. 1 class because she was called a llama.
by CB & SA October 22, 2008
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Another way to say "lmao" as in "laughing my ass off," for when you first heard of/saw "lmao" you read its pronunciation as llamas.
Person 1; lmao
Person 2; wtf? llamas??
by kagx1136 September 26, 2010
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n.One whose penile disfunction causes them to inject the hardened projectile into a cavity smaller then the size of their deformed genital,
ear, nose, surgery hole, etc.
by ooga April 3, 2005
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