A girl that hates people, but the few she doesn’t, she is loyal to. She’s beautiful, and can be extremely dumb at times but is overall intelligent. Leisie isn’t not the best with words or feelings, but is a good listener, the little she says on serious matters, like feelings, is always thoughtful. She is the greatest friend anybody could ever ask for, but she can also be so much more than friends, if you ever have the chance to be friends, or more, with her, take it, or you will regret it for he rest of your life. She doesn’t jump into things, but when she quits resisting relationships, it’s for life, she’s loyal to he ones she loves. She is also extremely lazy. She can make the most insecure person feel good about themself, she can calm someone down that has been angry their entire life and who doesn’t know how to let things go. She can make you happy when you’re deeoly depressed. She is the most perfect human being to ever walk this planet. If you think love is difficult, she makes it fun. This description barely scratches the surface.
by Januaryembers January 8, 2018
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Very stupid and irritating person loves sports if is good in none and loves to cuss and insult for no reason but no one cares because she's gay
by 559.liyxhh August 27, 2019
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A duration of time about which you and your idiot roomate laugh about the stupidest things until it hurts your stomach and giggle for the rest of the night. Male Nudity not involved.
From 1900-2000 it was Leisy Time....we laughed for no good reason until it hurt.
by BoomerMcnasty January 24, 2008
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