A friend who only does the bare minimum to maintain your relationship. I.E., texting one-word responses or not replying to emails/texts at ALL, only hanging out at your request and never taking interest or note of your personal goings-ons.
I texted Ariana four times today and all she wrote back was "ok".

Me: HI! How are you? Did you hear that so-and-so got into an accident??
Lazy Friend: Hi. No.
Me: You SUCK at communications, PS.
Lazy Friend: *crickets*
by underwaterdreamer October 13, 2011
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when someone keeps showing up in your news feed on facebook and you eventually friend them because you're too lazy to click the x button.
who the hell is sarah johnson? whatevs im just lazy friending her
by classicrocklover January 20, 2011
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