A man that is obsessed with yelling the word yeet. He loves this word so much that he tattooed it to his body.
Person 1: hey have you seen lazerbeam
Person 2: yes he is the best YouTuber in the world
by Lazerbeam is the best January 8, 2020
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A politically incorrect term for lesbians.
Most commonly used when wishing to discuss lesbians or referring to people who you suspect are lesbians in public without attracting the attention of said lesbians.
Guy 1: " You need to go watch Black Swan, it has a massive lazerbeam scene!"
Guy 2: I did go watch it, and by "scene" do you mean the whole freaking movie"
Guy 1" Yes! I wish all lazerbeams looked like Mila Kunis and Nathalie Portman"
by hungryangrybill March 1, 2011
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aye wait here's to lazarbeam he's true blue hes a pisspot hes a bastard so they say he was meant to go to heaven but he went the other way go down down down sip sip
he is the best lazerbeam
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