how to get lackity:

1. Go to some ski slope.
2. Enjoy your short time snowboarding.
3. Shout, "OK! LAST RUN!!!"
4. The snowboarding gods hear your request for a broken wrist.
5. Catch an edge, fall and crunch it.
6. Wait for the ice breakers to haul your sorry ass off the mountian.

Congratulations! You just got lackity!
Shit, man... That guy just called last run. Call ski patrol, he's going to get mad lackity.
by City Forever. January 30, 2005
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1) A guy who cheats while still saying he loves you.
2) A guy who is married or in a "committed" relationship and still hits on you.

3) A guy who says he's really interested in you and then has sex with another woman.
4) A guy who leads you on, tells you he has feelings for you and won't end the relationship he is in or begin a relationship with you.
Example 1-
Girl 1: I thought you were going to get with this guy?
Girl 2: I was but it turns out he's a totaly Testiclous lackitious!

Example 2-

Woman 1: So what happened to make you and your husband get a divorce?
Woman 2: I found out he was Testiclous lackitious.
by TerinLu May 1, 2013
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