They're that one person who seems hella nice at first, but they're actually extremely annoying, they become obsessive and will look for anyone trying to interact with some, whether it's their ex, friend or crush
"Jesus christ, stop being koyiah"

Did you meet Kacey?
"yea, she's hella koyiah"
by AnAsianAmigo December 13, 2019
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They are an annoying person and super clingy. People who are koyiahs always want attention and get upset or sad when they don't get it.
by Brother234 December 21, 2019
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They can be very annoying and Clingy. They can get upset if not shown attention. They have a big heart but not a lot of patience.
by Brother234 December 22, 2019
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They're that one person who always needs attention. They get sad if they dont get attention. They can be very annoying and clingy.
My girlfriend is such a koyiah sometimes🙄
by Brother234 December 22, 2019
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