A very shallow and poorly plotted and written anime show on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, whose simple, unyielding, unconvincing, not-at-all-creative storyline drags on for episode and episode, hoping to keep their fanbase happy by introducing all kinds of new and progressively stupider and lamer monsters (they call them demons, I call them Loony Toons Rejects) with even lamer fights that not only always have the same result but also are always fought the same way; if that doesn't work, then the Japanese schoolgirl parading around perpetually dressed in a miniskirt and Japanese schoolgirl uniform will always appease the sweaty, horny, rejects of the human race that watch this show religiously.

It follows the adventures of a Japanese schoolgirl, Kagome, who mysteriously falls down a well and even more mysteriously is magically transported to Feudal Japan. That makes sense.

This is the only show there a homicidal sword wielding demon and some whiney whorish Japanese schoolgirl can be the main characters. That's just how absurd this show is. Basically these two characters are trying to find shards of the Shikon jewel that, again, mysteriously shattered and, yet again, the pieces mysteriously redistributed themselves across the country and just happened to fall into the hands of random demons.

The incredibly shallow emotions of the characters and poorly written episodes makes this anime pathetic. Look! Instead of actually getting somewhere and forming a friendship, let's just stare at each other and go absolutely no where and do absolutely nothing exciting for 5 minutes while the characters say some poorly placed and poorly written line! And then, to keep the attention of the sweaty, bespectacled, Cheetoe-stained fingered teenagers who only watch the show to see some dim witted Japanese schoolgirl in a whorish and skimy school uniform shoot stuff with a bow and arrow, the characters go shoot things and chop stuff up with Inuyasha's huge ass sword. As you can see, this show is very poorly constructed.

Other characters come into play but are just as shallow as the others. Miroku, some misguided and perverted monk who follows a nameless and unknown God, likes to walk around and squeeze the ass of every girl he sees and tries to father the children of young girls. Then we have Shippo, a stupid fox like baby demon who never does anything greater than run around and scream and shout stupid cries with his insanely annoying voice. How annoying? Take the voice of that girl from Will and Grace with the high pitched voice that sounds like a baby crying and multiply the annoyingness factor by 100000000, and you have something close to Shippo. I sure hope he gets written out of the show. He's like the Jar Jar Binks of Inuyasha.

Even worse, this show's simple plot and simple method of gaining fans by parading some girl around in a miniskirt has managed to garner a significant base of total fanatics, willing to defend this pathetic excuse for a show to the grave. Most of them are either overweight or anorexically underweight and all of them love masturbating to manga and hentai into the endless hours of the night. And this is not an ignorant generalization as many of you would presume. This is a fact. And all of you people who oppose this - you oppose this only because it is the internet, where everybody is anonymous and we can't see for ourselves that you really do fit the above description. Come to my face and try to defend this show. You'll simply fall over and die in the shadow of reason, intelligence, and the true outlook of the morally affluent and normally human rest of the world.
Inuyasha is a poorly written and poorly plotted anime series with even worse, shallow characters. The show is completely uncreative and seems to be able to utilize the same tactics over and over, by using a powerful combination - bloodthristy, battling demons and a Japanese schoolgirl forever running around in a miniskirt - to "entertain" their fanatics. Far better shows include Cowboy Bebop, Futurama, Family Guy, and, any other show on this planet that we live on that is third from the star known as the sun in the Milky Way galaxy.
by Comrade Stalin July 9, 2004
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1. Demon bitch.

Inu = dog
Yasha = female demon

2. An Anime series that is highly overrated as the result of a trend among certain American teenagers, most of which are about 5-10 years older than the Japanese fans.

3. Main character of the series 'Inuyasha'. Stubborn and one-sided sums up his personality. Many sane/intelligent Anime viewers will notice that once a month his hair goes dark and he becomes stroppy and weak, as well as the fact his battle tactics are to hold a large sword(with 'pubic hairs') in front of his crotch and try to shove it down the enemy's throat. Both things are sexually suggestive in some way and confuse what gender he's actually supposed to be. o.0;;
"INUYAASSHHAAAA!!!!" Kagome, nearly every Inuyasha episode she appears in.
"OMGZ I LUVV INUYHASA!!!!!!!1!ONE ITS THE BESTEST TV SHOW EVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ELEVEN" Rabid Inuyasha fangirl #23987.
by Somnus June 27, 2005
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Inuyasha is a manga/anime about a half demon who loves a 15-year-old even tho he's like 100-years-old and is a total dick face.
Inuyasha, He sure is a two-timer.
by Dude_40Asswhole January 15, 2009
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the hottest anime guy alive!
if i could i would marry him
i wish i was his drum so he could bang me all day long (:
also the best anime ever that if anyone tried to talk to me while it was on, theyd be attacked
"Look! It's InuYasha *drools*"
"Don't talk to me while InuYasha's on because you will be chased after with some fishing wire and a butter knife, killed, and THROWN INTO THE FIERY ABYSS!!!"
by CamilleBrianneCullen December 29, 2009
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1. The worst anime show on CCN...or any other network...period.
2. A show where a dog demon and a twenty-first century chick go back to feudal Japan with some fox midget-kid, a sexual harrassing monk and his raccoon friend (who turns into a giant penis on command whom they all fly on to get to places), and some boomerang chick go around fight other stupid looking demons.
3. A show for 5 year old, Japanese girls.
Inuyasha is the worst show since Trigun! I should be watching...anything else! Considering the fact that anime sucks the big one, I might as well kill myself for watching this asschees! I should get a FUCKING life!!!!
by jose blanco April 21, 2005
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The main character of the show Inuyasha, he is half demon and super hot;)
Damn Inuyasha is sexy I want to rape him!
by Flippydaslasher November 20, 2007
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