You can't handle the truth. You know that for every anime thot- somewhere, somehow, is being sucked and/or giving the big succ.
Some virgin with no life: Yo nigga did you watch the new episode of ビッグダチは、ステーキを食べて、私の陰茎を吸う24時間のノンストップは、いくつかのエビを食べた後に宇宙の大きな妖精である間に崖から飛び降りて死に自慰する?
Real nigga with a 7in penis regularly fucking a thicc wahmen: Bitch ass nigga, anime sucks dick! Go fuck a real bitch, not one drawn by some fucking Jap or Gook you lazy and pathetic faggot.
Real nigga with a 7in penis regularly fucking a thicc wahmen: Bitch ass nigga, anime sucks dick! Go fuck a real bitch, not one drawn by some fucking Jap or Gook you lazy and pathetic faggot.
by Big nigga counting to infinity November 7, 2018
Originally posted by an illiterate user on Adult
Once this phrase was used in an adult swim black/white card on TV, it has been plastered every where
Once this phrase was used in an adult swim black/white card on TV, it has been plastered every where
by Numbah1 WithishBitch October 10, 2004
A phrase (now a meme) that started out on the adultswim message boards and worked it's way into mainstream internet and t-shirts.
by Smokewhileyoudrink April 4, 2008