A drink of legend, so hard to mix, or so delicious, that no mere mortal could make it.
Is the barkeep a wizard or something? This coffee is a true impossibrew!
by Azai March 24, 2016
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A combined word of 'impossible' and 'brew'. Meaning a beer (but not limited to beer) that both taste and feel like alcohol - without alcohol (the impossible). Can be used as a noun or an adjective.

Alcohol-free drinks are often seen as dull and boring, mostly because they fail to replicate the feeling provided by alcohol. Since most believe that the point of drinking is to enjoy its effects, an alcohol-free beer with the sensations of alcohol is widely considered impossible.
(Noun.) Hey, have you heard of impossibrew? It's a beer that tastes and feels like alcohol - without alcohol.

(Adj.) Damn, this is an impossibrew.
by FoodnDrinkDefs March 13, 2021
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