1. an idiot that is so incredibly idiotic that it must be said this idiot is idiotic.
person 1: "Is that guy retarded or something?"
person 2: "No hes just an idiotic idiot."
person 1: "oh"
by mustard odockerty June 27, 2009
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someone SO FUCKING STUPID you have to say the same word 3 times and each with different endings
Kid 1: "Santa is real."
Adult 1: "No you idiotically idiotic idiot, he's not real. I was told that if I ate this pill my dick would grow 3 inches, and I fucking got erectile dysfunction. Don't believe everything you're told, cunt."
by random golden dude December 22, 2022
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A unknown brother of some one
And his brother owns a ps4

My friends thinks he's retarded so yeah help
The definition of bob the idiotic idiot

The brother of bob:hey Bob it's my turn

So this explains why you should help me
by Bob is dum June 19, 2022
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Bob is a annoying kid that asks for his turn if you have a ps4 if you say no he'll go to his mom and tell her and she told him if you don't give me my turn mom will unplug it
The definition of bob the idiotic idiot

Bob:give me my turn
Person:no who are you
Proceeds to leave the room to tell his mom
Bob:give my turn or mom will unplug it
by Ahmez20 June 28, 2022
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Someone who is even stupider than an idiot; usually at least twice as dumb.
I can't believe what an idiotic idiot Sam is. Can't he just solve that simple math problem 2+2? And no! The answer is not 22!
by EccentricCookie123 November 24, 2020
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