IB is an acronym for the term indigenous bitches.
Rachel: The fucking IB sitting next to me wouldn't open the window on the 7 hour bus ride to Jaco.

Monroe: IB's have the best drugs.
by tom.pura_vida March 25, 2009
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In means I’m bored this may be mistaken as Inspired by it really just depends how you use it.
by TheRealWolf :3 March 24, 2021
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A short-term mostly used in Vietnam, meaning 'contact me' (as same as 'DM')
If you need something, ib me please.
Ib me for the prices.
by imachocbar November 24, 2020
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-How do you spell "International Bacaluraruetthjgjftdze"?

-I don't know, just write "IB".
by charmingshade February 7, 2017
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The Ib (International Baccalaureate) Is a well-known prestigious institute, that encourages stress, procrastination and 0.5 hours of sleep maximum. The special creatures that dare start this program, rarely see sunlight and have harnessed special skills of Bs'ing their way through everything. The only time these creatures can be seen outside is when they are gathering data for their IA's. The students that once thought they were smart, or overworked from grade 6 all the way to grade 10 now regret everything they have ever said. This prestigious Course is highly acknowledged and the ones who do find a way to graduate after swimming through a mountain of IA's and a 4000-word essay for their EE, end up not much better off than any normal student. Except they now have anxiety and high levels of stress following them around 24/7.

These students can be recognised by the following things -

- Awful social skills
- Ability to write an essay within 20 minutes
- Writing reflections for every single action they may have done
- Counting the hours of a certain activity they have done.
Doctor - Tell me, why do you feel you are so stressed?

Patient - I am an IB student.

Doctor - Say no more. When is your EE due?

Patient - 3 weeks ago.

She/he/they studied all night because she/he/they is/are in the IB program.
by Sea_You_Later November 3, 2022
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