harder faster

When u fuck some one and you wanna get some dick harder n faster
Sex like harder faster baby
by Rob gronkiwski July 7, 2017
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Song by the french duo Daft Punk that became a worldwide anthem for amateur video performers and mashupaholics. Just google for videos using that 4 magic words and voilà! Watch'em working.
- You know, man. (fast speaking) They're workin', makin', doin' harder, better, faster, stronger more than ever.

- Over?
by Antonimo55 July 11, 2008
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A Song Released in 2000 by Daft punk,was also included in the movie Interstella 5555. the album that the song was featured on was discovery.Samples Used In that Song : Cola Bottle Baby by Edwin Birdsong
Kanye west sampled daft punk's song Harder Better Faster Stronger.
by Retard-o-tron 2012 February 26, 2010
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