It is basically piss and shet mixed together .
What is this? Ugh it stank. Oh, it’s grey water, it’s basically piss and shet . I am just telling you.
by Jazzy asthmatic asthetic October 2, 2019
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Richie:aren't u guys coming in?
Eddie: nuh uh it's grey water
Richie:what the hell is grey water!?
Eddie:it's basically piss and shit, so I'm just telling u, you guys are splashing around in millions of gallons of dairy pee
by Anonymous 19372037 September 20, 2017
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A water saving strategy usually used by third world countries, but now is being used in rural country Australia i.e. Bendigo etc to help save water.

It's when you re-use the water from washing dishes, laundry and bathing. It's dangerous to drink or give to animals and is not suppose to be used to water plants or trees that produce fruits or foods for human consumption i.e. apple trees, tomato plants etc
"Did you just piss in the shower?"


"Ewww now our grey water is gonna be yellow water!"
by The Moody Poet January 24, 2007
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