The sweaty, itchy, slimy feeling one gets in their butt after strenuous exercise such as running or any other type of aerobic activity.
Roman- "Hey Pete, you got any napkins on ya?"

Pete- "No. What for??"

Roman- "All this running is giving me serious goober butt."

Pete- "Oh, I HATE that."
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ridiculous nickname given by a rambling fool when trying to force closeness and trust with someone they've slept with
"Ramblin Ro called her Goober Butt..."
"after only one week of sex"
"yup, bitch wants closeness"
by jame_the_blame December 9, 2005
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dimples on the female buttocks which resemble the demples on a peanut shell
That rearend used to be so firm, now its a goober butt.
by playmoresinatra July 7, 2014
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