When someone is so badass is does something epic, they are a fuckin guy.
*Cody does a front flip over a friend*

Michael: Dude did you see that?

Matthew: Yeah, He's a fuckin guy!
by 209films May 17, 2010
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A really swell person. Your main homey or the like.
Hey you fuckin guy, that is some crazy fuckin free mason shit my man ... this graffiti bullshit my man... you fuckin guy you. slap my 5 you fuckin guy.
by Countsabel Von Trucklove December 22, 2005
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Any person or persons who causes irritation or annoyance in a short period of time.
When someone changes perfectly good music at a party to something completely terrible no one likes

Person #1, Glances at friend after bad music choice

Person #2, Looks back mutters quietly 'TFG (This Fuckin Guy)"

Person #1, Nods agreeably
by Grizzle+Tommy May 29, 2009
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fuckin alright guy is a term used to ask a person if they are a FAG.
"hey joey you are a fuckin alright guy"
"your a FAG"
by primo and jason July 11, 2008
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