American Friend:I think I twisted my ankle.
Me: Thank god I live in Europe and I can just go to hospital and get free healthcare.
AF: Damn I wish that was in USA
by patykij December 15, 2020
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Something Bri'ish people use to win any argument with any American
American: Bri'ish people have bad teeth lol

Bri'ish person: Oi bruv 'least I don't 'ave bad 'elfcare loike you stewpid americans. Quite sad innit?

American: Bruh you just used the Free healthcare card
Get the Free healthcare card mug.
something that europeans say that make americans pass out or even die
European friend: free healthcare is a great idea !
American Friend: *collapses*
by cakesinacup December 19, 2021
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