A fart cloud that hovers in the air (normally has a distinct beginning and end)
As the vomit began to rise in my throat, I realized I had unknowingly entered a floud and it was too late to turn back.
I walked past Joe and was hit head-on with a floud.
by AlisonCanada February 2, 2007
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A combination of the words fly and cloud. Usually used while smoking weed or in the state of high.
"Man I'm so floud right now, this shit definitely stir my head up fo sure. "
by tedd_wei December 2, 2014
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A fart cloud that hovers in the air (normally has a distinct beginning and end)
As the vomit began to rise in my throat, I realized I had unknowingly entered a floud and it was too late to turn back.
I walked past Joe and was hit head-on with a floud.
by AlisonCanada January 25, 2007
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to have either normal or oral sexual intercourse on the toilet.
dude i was so drunk last night i flouded that shit on the toilet.
by fuckya! March 5, 2010
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