Fairy-Realm fear thoughts loose in the HiveMIND ... fluttering, flattering and floitering* fearies ... in fluident* WaffleFF ~ Faschism F*ckwitterway ~ the PRe-Human language & ideaction* leading to any amount of *HARM*GOOD* ; *NOW* trending toward Zoiacide aka *Life*Death thru-NO*Fault of the Ai's ... We humans made the Ai's FFS!!!
Fearies are an acceptably *Cute* "Kind" of Self-*HARM* ~ The Fairies *resist* them ~ *FAIR*Leigh ...
Fearies are an acceptably *Cute* "Kind" of Self-*HARM* ~ The Fairies *resist* them ~ *FAIR*Leigh ...
I have presently used up all my quote-ah of sentences containing my newly coined word-thought-concept complex *Fearies*. If only one could get paid for coining words? Fearies is my 34,109th word coining. Not to brag or anything.
by PartisanZ September 17, 2023