1. The medical term for "shit head"

2. When one's head is so full of shit they become disoriented
"My patient has a serious case of fecal encephalopathy"

"I concur"
by Dr Urich February 27, 2012
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If you wind up in the emergency room because, say, you were trying to launch bottle rockets out of your anus, you can expect to hear this term thrown around. Latin, or pseudo-latin, is often used to convey unflattering terms and make it sound grandiloquent to the uninformed (or faecal-encephalopathic) ear.

Variations include Cranio-Rectal Syndrome and Cranial Rectosis, presumably for when the patient has shit for brains
that guy has some serious Faecal Encephalopathy
by Doc. Vmill June 29, 2010
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Also known as MAD BRO DISEASE, this ailment is fairly common among frat boys or teenagers. A bro will become jealous when his bro starts hanging around with other bros more than him. However, the bro cannot admit these feelings for fear of being called gay, and so instead becomes angry over seemingly pointless things.
Bro 1: "Why is Brosef Stalin over there being such a buzzkill?"

Bro 2: "He's got a bad case of Brovine Spongeform Encephalopathy because Tom is partying with some other bros."

Bro 1: "What a fag."
by PNUTBUTTERnCRAK December 30, 2010
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The bacteria that gives you mad cow disease
guy #1- yo meng i hooked up with this chick and she gave me bovine spongiform encephalopathy and now i got mad cow disease

guy #2- chit meng thats pretty chitty

guy #3 - Oh durka durka durka
by Oh Durka Durka Durka April 30, 2006
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