
1. Characteristic of those having inflated the truthfulness about their own environmental accomplishments.
2. Characteristic of having an exaggerated sense of environmental importance.
3. An environmental disregard of others.
People who litter are ecotistical because they do not care about the environmental impacts of their actions.
by David Crawford February 5, 2006
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Someone who believes so strongly in Human Caused Global Warming that they refuse to consider facts or debate any part of the theory.
Al Gore is real ecotistical when it comes to his global warming theories.
by brianlemon March 25, 2009
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A sanctimonious bastard whose inflated sense of self-worth is derived primarily from his commitment to saving the planet.
Melissa: I feel like Joe looks down on me just because I drive to work and don't compost.

Ann: Oh my God, I know! He is such an ecotist.
by Empty D October 1, 2009
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Normally a simple minded and naive individual who cares more about themselves rather than the environment.
Jerry: You need to give up your 18 wheeler Dan. It's bad for the ecosystem.

Dan: Nah.

Jerry: Omg, you're so ecotistical.
by Viagaraouhsi November 18, 2017
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