The tobbaco from a dutch cigar that is emptied out while rolling a blunt.
by RYLU January 4, 2009
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A common meal for broke pot-heads consisting of the inside or "guts" of a dutch master cigar and hot water.
"Man, i got the munchies but we don't have any money for food!"
"Just cook up some dutch gut soup, looks like that's all we'll be eating for a while."
by Hood_master_og November 3, 2009
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When you and your homie eat too much chili so you gotta lay down next to each other and rub the shame out each other’s bellies.
Yo me and marshall at so much chili at the potluck we had to find a broom closet and give each other Dutch gut rubs.
by Dirk digger 1086 November 21, 2017
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