like the peace for a hand sign just cooler and its called duses
Dude chuck the duses.
by Sean-ya North October 23, 2018
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a duse-duse is a .22cal. pistol, its nice cuz da ammo fo it dont cost alot and its easy ta conseal.
i took out ma duse duse and put a fue holes in da mothafucka.
by Garo February 24, 2005
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DUSE is another word for Dude!! its that simple!!
"sup duse" or "duse" or "yo duse"
by bermillionaire June 6, 2006
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A very very old guy
That guys Saltymcsaltee is so old he's a real Duse
by Farmboy102 June 25, 2020
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1.To take a massive crap, poo, poop, #2, dump, or shit.
2.Drop the cosby kids off at the pool
yo B! "I gotsta drop a duse, can you hold on a bit"
"sure man no prob I'll crap after you"
by local beeatch May 2, 2006
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Its calling someone the f slur and the d slur combined its really homophobic
Hey duse, are you gonna be gay later?
by A-dum-dum December 12, 2021
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The name for the guy in your bowling group text that never bowls or even been seen in public.
Guys is Duse even real?
by WordMaker2023 December 13, 2022
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