some nooby who likes yoshi
a word used as an insult
Person 1: You're a Dullah!
Person 2: "crying"
by dulah October 23, 2019
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Literally means Pimp in both Urdu (Pakistan's official language) and Hindi (India's official language). Although pimp is a positive slang word in American english, Dullah in contrast is infact a deragotory statment, and frequently used in an individual's bashing. When spoken to someone in an offensive manner, it will likely start fights.
You dullah banchod motherfucking puss ass niger stole my nickle.
by alig_reinvented February 7, 2006
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Slang for penis, used among young men from the Indian subcontient.
How would you like my brown dullah in your mouth?
by Kikuchiyo July 26, 2004
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When you take to many lorazepam and you wake up in the hospital.Then your just like "Fuck did i just O-Dullah"?(and you dont remember giving that dude a blowjob at the waterpark.)lol
by Pot Shop June 21, 2012
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