To lower oneself from an elevated object such as a roof or a wall by twisting around and holding on to the edge of the object while facing it.

To descend from a height by dangling.
"Scram it's the bizzies, we're gonna hav tae dreep doon here".
by xeerotee March 11, 2009
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To droop and weep. A combination of both words. To weep after masturbation.
by Dagagad October 27, 2006
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dreamsleep abbr; use this word when you want to say that you're going to bed and when you fall asleep you can dream something
I've got tired and I'm gonna dreep
by Andrius March 2, 2008
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Scottish for "dripping". To be dreeping for someone refers to a female becoming wet for another individual.
"You're dreeping for him"
by realscotwords January 3, 2012
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when your father takes your big plasma tv to watch golf and falls asleep while watching it so that you have to walk downstairs and watch what could be high def. porn on the little tv
dude, your dad is really a cum bobbied dreep shaft. he jacked our tv to watch golf but fell asleep and if we try to change the channell he will wake up and beat us with his fucking cock.
by Jeffthegiraffemasta October 3, 2006
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