A person who sits on their ass all day doing jack shit and eats a shit ton of chicken and chips and kicks people for putting memes in #general
I just got kicked by a Discord Moderator
by Flaming_DEX December 4, 2020
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A adult who prays on small children using discord, telling them to do lude and sexual things. They will send nudes and will almost always be fat and retarded.
by Suicidal doorknob April 4, 2019
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A fat 30 year old man in his mom's basement living on ramen as a weeb and knows every anime to exist and goes insane when you don't follow discord rules
"Yo I bet your a discord mod loser"
"Shut up and follow the rules"
by A Pimp Named Sickback January 17, 2021
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When an organized band of discord users (more than two, by most definitions) attack, spam, and ruin a server for an extended period of time or until they're banned. Usually, Discord raids are in jest and aren't meant to be taken seriously. But for extremist trolls, it can be very personal, and is sometimes taken too far.
"You know that Shrek discord cult I started? We discord raided a prince charming server and practically demolished the entire server"
"Delete my number."
by Jode the Prophet February 21, 2020
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When people scream and yell roasts at each other in a voice call for fun or beef with loud mics. They usually happen late night so the participants do not wake up their parents.
Marlos: Hey are you in that discord packing call?
Jazovic: Yeah ameer packed the shit out of this dude lmfaooo
by MarlosXI August 24, 2019
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A pretentious hypocrite who babysits 13 year olds for 10 hours every day
frank: hey, did you know that I'm a discord admin?
tom: nice, how many people have you banned for insulting your e-girl today?
by p_madness July 5, 2020
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Fat, Oily, Disgusting person that usually sits behind his/her keyboard and type "Don't post memes in general" all day.
"Hey bro, look at this discord mod"

"who? this oily piece of human being?"
by I_am_stupid_as_F July 1, 2021
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