An inept, foolish, or contemptible person. Displays similar qualities and characteristics to that of a dickhead but in a more endearing manner.

If someone openly admits do being a dischead, they are a dischead.
He climbed up the drainpipe onto the roof of the club and then fell off breaking his heel. What a dischead.

The dischead danced on a table surrounded by girls and tipped it over spilling all their drinks.

He unwittingly swung off a streetlight onto an unmarked police-car and was subsequently arrested. He was being such a dischead.
by G M Palmer September 13, 2007
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1. An inept, foolish, or contemptible person.
2. Displays similar qualities and characteristics to that of a “dick-head” but in a more endearing manner.
3. If someone openly admits do being a dischead, they are a dischead.
1. He climbed up the drainpipe onto the roof of the club and then fell off breaking his heel. What a dischead.
2. The dischead danced on a table surrounded by girls and tipped it over spilling all their drinks.
3. He unwittingly swung off a streetlight onto an unmarked police-car and was subsequently arrested. What a dischead.
by Garth P September 3, 2007
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1. An inept, foolish, or contemptible person.
2. Displays similar qualities and characteristics to that of a “dick-head” but in a more endearing manner.
3. Dischead’s engage in random inebriated activities with the general motive of making a complete fool of themselves.
4. If you meet a Dischead, offer it an alcoholic beverage and then slowly vacate the area.
1. If someone openly admits do being a dischead, they are a dischead.
2. Jack got drunk and fell off the roof of a nightclub while attempting to break in because they denied him entry. What a dischead.
3. Jack got drunk and danced on a table occupied by a group of girls and tipped the table over spilling all their drinks. What a dischead.
by Garth Palmer August 30, 2007
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