A dirty Kenzie is a girl who waits for marriage to get wild as fuck she’ll fuck you hard and suck your balls dry
Last night was awesome with my dirty kenzie she sucked my balls dry dirty Kenzie is wild a
by Xxooxo gossippp gurl April 16, 2020
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A dirty Kenzie is when you have shower sex and instead of using your hand you just wrap all the hair on the wall around their neck
My favorite type of shower sex is if they dirty Kenzie me, it’s the only way.
by the neck breaker September 13, 2021
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When you open your gaping asshole waiting for the spit off your future wife to tunnel it’s way inside you while you slap your bollocks together bruising them
Bro I can’t believe me and the missus we had so much fun last night and we even tryed a dirty Kenzie
by Dirty Kenzie March 14, 2021
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